QuoteJava(tm) Realtime Alert System

Find stocks by price, change %, change in volume....

The stock market is about getting information fast.
QuoteJava(tm) gives you total control of that information!
With QuoteJava(tm), you will never again feel lost in the stock market.
You can search for the best stocks with a simple click, trade the stocks, 
and walk away from your computer,
QuoteJava(tm) will alarm you on changes of price, spread and volume in realtime!
  New: now QuoteJava(tm) can be reconfigured by yourself to match the Datek/Free realtime formats.

 To see why QuoteJava(tm) is the best,
look at the features.
(We are constantly improving it, since we are using it daily ourselves) 

Powerful Features  

  • Retrieve free realtime and delayed stock quotes. 
  • Retrieve history charts, company profiles, etc. Compare hundreds of stocks a time. 
  • Generate realtime visual and audio alerts based on stock prices, spread and volume. 
  • Visual alert on any change on a stock. 
  • Alerts on any market indexes, such as Dow Jones Industrial and S&P 500. 
  • Keep track of your portfolio and calculate gain. 
  • Find stock symbols by price, spread, percent change and volume in all 7700+ stocks. 
  • Make stock trade right inside the QuoteJava(tm). 
  • Check  for email periodically at user set interval. 
  • Export realtime data to be used by stock analysis software. 
  • Many others. 

    (click the links to see screen shots) 

Customer comments 

I just loaded the latest version off your web page last night.  
It is simply awesome!! It makes me money!!  

Again Thanks a million for the wonderful support on  
"Quote Java(tm)",  
I guess since you use it, You understand how useful it is.It is so great to step away from the computer and have alarms. 


"15 minute delayed quotes hurt... It is nice to get those quotes  
from Datek using QuoteJava(tm), realtime alerts work great.Keep up the good work!"   
            ------ Marc
"QuoteJava(tm) is the only realtime stock quote program  
I can find around" 
       ------ David 
"You have great products and exceptional customer service. 
Count me in as one very happy customer!" 

--- Azraee
"It (realtime data export) works great! Thank you very much." 


   Are you well equiped?
Read this Forbes article (4/6/98) on how realtime info makes a difference.
(thanks to a user of QuoteJava(tm) who provided us this link). 
Make the right decision, QuoteJava(tm) can help. 

Screen shots 


Order QuoteJava(tm) 


System requirements: Windows NT/95, Internet Explorer Installed.
Reconfigure to match the changes in Datek/freeremtime format.
Choose backup server.
Change refresh interval(be nice please)
New datek server support, improved quote retrieval performance,
retrieval status display, data export for stock analysis(only in pro version), 
check email on POP3 account (keep connection alive),
complete company report retrieval,
live connection to improve performance (connect once and retrieve many times).

search over 7000 symbols and find the interesting ones right in your PC.
Alerts on Any Market Indexes.
Features: improve symbol search performance, alerts on volume change percentage....
Search Over 7000 Stock Symbols with
PE, Earning, Market Capitalization ...
  Pictures In News   Online  
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